Lopez Salas Architects had lived with their Flash-based website for almost 10 years. The time had come for a major overhaul.

Deliverables: design, art direction, and consultation

Programming: Webhead Tech

Lopez Salas Architects, Inc. is an award-winning architectural, planning, and interior design firm whose team consists of a diverse mix of architectural specialists working collaboratively to meet their client's project-specific needs.

How do you design a successful site that adequately addresses the needs of users when the client has very strong opinions and specific aesthetic beliefs?


How can project profiles be tailored to help Lopez Salas land new clients with larger project scopes?

After several key staff interviews, I was able to determine which factors the firm believed provided the most value on each project page. The interviews also provided insight into the importance of confidentiality and the sensitivity of certain types of information.  

In total: 5 key staff member interviews


01 Need updated project photography

02 Revise website content to make pages easier to read

03 Need a modular system that looks good when pages are printed


To improve user engagement and help them pursue larger project work, Lopez Salas Architects had to improve the interface, functionality, and content of their website to encourage visitors to intuitively explore the firm's variety of projects.

Lopez Salas turned to Webhead who in turn contracted with me to help them bring an archaic website into the modern era. We created a best-in-class resource for the clients to showcase their work and pursue a larger variety of projects. The site's new modular layout keeps the viewer's attention on the project images and specifications.

Home Wireframe
Firm Wireframe
Case Study Wireframe
Case Study

The key behind this design was to maintain a good amount of white space on each page so project imagery never feels crowded. The client was very specific about keeping all layouts clean, so that was top of mind for all design explorations. The minimalist layouts are supported by an intuitive navigation system that makes it easy to find completed projects versus projects under construction.

When the relationship started, I discovered that the client had very specific aesthetic ideas. Their existing Flash-based site had existed for many years and the managing partner did not believe anything could match or surpass what they had accomplished with it. He was pretty adamant. Proposing anything that strayed from his personal aesthetic was a tough sell. New layouts and navigation recommendations were frequently challenged. Some of my ideas were incorporated while others never made it past the presentation stage. However, through numerous meetings and multiple rounds of creative, we were able to eventually break the ice and develop a good working relationship. In the end, the site is up and the client is pleased.

www: LopezSalas.com


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